Wednesday, March 16, 2011

medan-lake toba 4

Samosir, or Samosir Island, is a large volcanic island in Lake Toba, located in the north of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.  The lake and island were formed after the eruption of a super volcano some 75,000 years ago. The island was originally connected to the surrounding caldera wall by a small isthmus, which was cut through to aid navigation.
At 630 km², Samosir is the largest island within an island, and the fifth largest lake island in the world. It also contains two smaller lakes, Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek Natonang. Across the lake on the east from the island lies Uluan Peninsula. The island is linked to the mainland of Sumatra on its western part by a narrow land connecting the town of Pangururan on Samosir and Tele on mainland Sumatra. Tele consequently offers one of the best views of Lake Toba and Samosir Island.
Samosir is a popular tourist destination due to its exotic history and the vistas it offers. The tourist resorts are concentrated in theTuktuk area. The island is the centre of the Batak culture and many of this people's artifacts remain on the island. Most of the tourist accommodations are concentrated in the small town of Tuktuk, which is located a one-hour ferry ride across the lake from the town of Parapat.

Ambarita Village  is an ancient Batak tribal village on Samosir Island, in Lake Toba. It is located an hour’s walk northwest from Tuk Tuk or about 20 minutes by boat.
What makes Ambarita interesting, from an anthropological standpoint, is that during ancient times the Toba Batak people of Ambarita practiced a form of cannibalism.

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